Lightspeed Saber League

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The Lightspeed online profile system is finally here! LS Rockville’s captain Chris Stadther has been working diligently for over a year to bring these profiles to life. Fighter pages will track wins and loses for each fencer, as well as medals, the history of tournaments you have fought in, a breakdown of your hit types and the types of hits that have been scored upon you.

These are replacing our old membership system. If you’ve already had a membership, you will not need to re-register. You should be receiving a code via email that you will need to sign into the new system. For new members, please visit our Registration page for information on how to do so.

There may be some errors reflected in the profiles as we are still working on updating the data. Unfortunately, it has to be done manually so please give us some patience. Nobody is dropping ranks during this transition, if the grade you see reflected in your profile is incorrect, it will be fixed.

We are excited to be able to share the new member system with you! If you have any questions please reach out to Dinah Kolasa through our Discord (dynamitebytaiocruz) or by email (

Our fighter profiles can be found here.