Lightspeed Saber League

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The 2023 rules manual is here, and the rules section on the site has been updated to reflect both Ren and Dyad Saber. Among the most important changes:

  • Dyad Saber added — One primary saber and one parrying saber may be equipped at the same time.

  • Attacks that whip or wrap around the Ren Saber guard, or would otherwise be considered indirect by previous standards, are now considered inert; these attacks do not score and do not stop the action, and are considered a good block.

  • The errant (late) attack is now defined by the remainiing degrees of arc required to reach the target.

  • Novice rules added

  • Document streamlined

  • Document totally enumerated for easier reference.

A visual scoring guide has also been added, complete with GIFs!

A few more important rule changes will be coming down the pipeline. Stay tuned.