Ready to learn?

These workshops are great for those just starting out with Lightspeed Saber. Check out what we’ve got planned!

All of these events and more will take place at LIGHTSPEED STRIKES BACK. Sign up to learn, fight, or both! See the full event schedule and register by clicking the button below!


Footwork for Fun and Flexible Fights! w/Kat Laurange

Great footwork is smooth, balanced, efficient, gets you into position to deliver a strike to your opponent, and protects you from their attacks. Being intentional about how you use your feet while bouting opens up realms of possibility and can add fun and excitement to your fights. In this workshop, we will practice solo exercises for refining footwork, and then play partnered games to put those refinements into action.

Kat Laurange

Fundamentals of Defense w/ Cang Snow

Blade-based defense in Lightspeed Saber is notoriously difficult. After all, we offer the closest simulation of combat with a weightless plasma blade, which feels and plays remarkably different from any real-world weapons. But it doesn't have to be difficult. In this one-hour workshop, Cang Snow will take you through basic and advanced defenses and counterattacks, and break them down into their component parts so that you can understand what makes them work and how they can work for you.

Cang Snow