Lightspeed Saber League

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Hunter refers to a training game where only the gloves, hilt, mask, and shoes are target. It offers a safe and beginner-friendly way to practicing offense and defense in the three major target elevations (high, middle, and low). The quintet is a pair-drill that helps train these concepts in the muscle memory.


3 rounds warmup, 6 rounds workout:

  • 10x Adv-Adv-lunge
  • 10x pushups
  • 10x high knee pairs


  1. Student A (attacker)
    1. Overhead cut
    2. Pull
    3. Flat cut
    4. Opposite cut
    5. Leg cut
  2. Student B (defender)
    1. Shield 5
    2. Fade cut
    3. Hook
    4. Opposite hook
    5. Slip cut


  1. Follow good form on the Shield 5, ensuring the blade is angled down.
  2. The attacker can optionally leave the hand in space for the defender to hit with the fade-cut.
  3. Flat cuts are delivered through the mid-section. Don't cut too high or it will be too difficult for the defender to hook.
  4. Same as above.
  5. Without a mask, either stop before striking the head or cut to the arms or hand instead.

In addition, this drill can sometimes be confounded if the drillers are opposite-handed. In this case, for steps 3 and 4, always try to cut in opposing directions.


Shield 5 / Overhead cut

Fade-cut / Pull

Hook / Flat cut

Opposite hook / opposite flat

Slip-cut / Leg cut