Hello, Cang Snow here. The Rose Tico lightsaber is reaching its final phases and is estimated to be completed within the next 6-8 weeks. Our goal is to have it ready by January 17, Kelly Marie Tran’s birthday.

Remember, however, that getting this gift to her AND achieving our messaging goal means launching a large social media campaign to get the word out to people who know her and to the Star Wars fandom at large. This campaign will happen in 2 main phases. The first phase, the one we are in now, we will be posting updates 1-3 times a week. The second phase, when the saber is completed or very near completion, we will be posting every single day until the saber is delivered or acknowledged by someone we need to see it.

But we can’t do this by ourselves. To do it, we need YOU to become a Rise For Rose ambassador.

As a Rise For Rose ambassador, we only need three things from you:

  1. Make sure you’re subscribed to or following a Rise For Rose recognized account or organization on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (Lightspeed Saber League, Outer Rim Praxeum, Ripper Blades, Shatterpoint Sabers, Kyber Cave, and others).

  2. Share or retweet any Rise For Rose post you see from these accounts— there should be 1-3 posts per week during the first phase (you don’t need to share duplicate posts).

  3. In the final phase, we need you to directly Tweet at or tag people like Rian Johnson, John Boyega, Mark Hammil, etc, EVERYDAY until the job is done.

It’s as simple as that! So please follow some of the links above, make sure you’re following or subscribed, and get ready to share. Thank you, and may the force be with you.

